Terminology – The Basics Explained

Watts, normalized power, efficiency, threshold, critical power, anaerobic work capacity – it all gets a bit confusing right!? As technology improves so does our capacity to measure different variables. As endurance athletes we are so often driven by the data but like many people you may struggle to break the barrier into what this terminology…

3 Simple Skills to Improve Your Mental Preparation for Training and Competition

As endurance athletes we spend hours upon hours developing our cardiovascular system, preparing our bodies for the demands of competition, but, do we ever stop and consider the possibilities of training or minds? On such way of doing this is through the implementation of psychological skills training or PST. PST can be defined as consistent…

Strength Training and It’s Implications on Endurance Performance

Over recent years there has been a mentality shift towards strength training within the endurance sport domain from one of reluctance to general acceptance as part of an “all-round” training programme. Yet, there remains some confusion within this area in reference to weight, number of repetitions, sets and what exactly the adaptations are that occur…